Do you and your special (!) friend Mr.Ho Kim, still want to pursue your dictatorship?
In the world politics you see the end of dictators like Zeynel Abidin Bin Ali (Tunisia), HüsnüMübarek (Egypt), Kaddafi (Libya). Don’t you ever think that one day you will be hooted down and sent away from the AIBA Congress?
You are doing everything you can to ostracize every boxing expert who stands up to you and your special (!) friend’s ideas by using their democratic rights.
You do not announce appeals filed with CAS and do not announce the results at the web site of AIBA. This just perfectly suits you and your special (!) friend Ho Kim(!)
Gen.Taweep is an esteemed man of sports who has carried out every kind of works for boxing. Unlike you, he was not parachuted to his position boxing; he has climbed every step of this sport and reached the highest position.
You have referred this qualified and useful person to the AIBA Disciplinary Committee. And they have filed a request in March 28, 2011: CAS 2011/A/2385:
“1-The decision of the AIBA Disciplinary Commission of 25 March 2011 suspending General Taweep Jantararoj and all officials of the Amateur Boxing Association of Thailand is null and void, subsidiarily is set aside.
2-AIBA shall bear all costs of the proceedings.
3–AIBA shall compensate General Taweep Jantararoj and Amateur Boxing Association of Thailand for the legal and other costs incurred in connection with this arbitration, in an amount to be determined at the discretion of the Panel”.
They filed once more a request in April 20, 2011 for Gen.Taweep: CAS 2011/A/2411:
“1-The decision issued on 19 April 2011 by the AIBA EC against Gen.Taweep Jantararoj and Amateur Boxing Association of Thailand rejecting the appeal filed against the decision of the AIBA Disciplinary Commission of 25 March 2011 is null and void, subsidiarily is set aside.
2-The decision of the AIBA Disciplinary Commission of 25 March 2011 suspending Gen.Taweep Jantararoj and all officials of the Amateur Boxing Association of Thailand is null and void, subsidiarily is set aside.
3-AIBA shall bear all costs of the proceedings.
4-AIBA shall compensate General Taweep Jantararoj and Amateur Boxing Association of Thailand for the legal and other costs incurred in connection with this arbitration, in amount to be determined at the discretion of the Panel”
The decision dated August 3, 2011 of CAS:
1”The appeals filed by General Taweep Jantararoj and the Amateur Boxing Association of Thailand against the decision of 25 March 2011 of the Disciplinary Commission of the International Boxing Association (AIBA9 (CAS 2011/A/2385 and against the decision adopted on 17 April 2011 by the Executive Committee of the International Boxing Association (AIBA)(CAS 2011/A/2411) are granted.
2-The decision of 25 March 2011 of the Disciplinary Commission of the International Boxing Association (AIBA) and the decision adopted on 17 April 2011 by the EC of the AIBA are set aside.
3-The CAS does not have jurisdiction to hear the appeals in the cases CAS 2011/A/2243 and CAS 2011/A/2358.
You use the web page of AIBA like your and your special (!) friend’s Mr Ho Kim advertisement board. While you are writing everything to advertise yourself like heroic tale on the web page of AIBA, why didn’t you write these important CAS decisions there? Why don’t you publish at the web page of AIBA that the suspension decisions for the friends of Gen.Taweep and the Boxing Federation of Thailand were dismissed (furthermore CAS decisions indicate clearly that those decisions were not adequate)? Are you ashamed? I suppose not (!).
Before you became AIBA’s president, AIBA would never interfere with the internal business of the National Federations. It would not lobby in favor of who should become President of the Federation, would not offer bribes (financial sources and position). Dou you follow the same dignified path?
Does your special (!) friend Ho Kim carry out serious work to prevent leaders who are against you from being selected?
I want to remind you of one thing you have written. Elections in Bulgaria were held in July 2011. Mr. Marin DIMITROV who always stood democratically against you, who enjoyed high popularity in Europe, who has been EC Member and Vice-President at EABA with its former name and the EUBC with its new organization has lost these elections.
On July 25, 2011 you have immediately dispatched a congratulation letter With “Headline” at the web site of AIBA. This letter was beyond a congratulation letter, it was a letter of”revenge”. Look what you are saying:”I am very happy that Bulgaria has a new leader to further enhance boxing programs in the country. An honest and clean organization is what Bulgarian boxing has been lacking for a long time”.
Did you write this letter or did your very close friend (!) Mr Ho writes this letter of revenge on your behalf because of your very clause relationships. What does”An honest and clean organization is what Bulgarian Boxing has been lacking for a long time” mean?
During Mr Marin Dimitrov‘s term, it has realized the EUBC and AIBA Championships that (I claim that no other country) no other country has or could have done. Shall I count?
– “Stranja Boxing Tournament” that at least 30 countries participate every year
-European Juniors Championship (Several Times)
-European Women’s Championship
-European Youth Championship (Several Times)
-European Men Championship
-World Juniors Championship
-Olympic Games Qualification Tournament
Now please say which of these championships was not “Honest” and “Clean”? If you know that these championships are not “Honest” and Clean” why did you not punish the Bulgarian Federation? Why did you not inform all the countries worldwide at the web site of AIBA (your advertising board (!))?
Do you know what you are saying?
As you know, there were two candidate countries for the European Men Championships to be held between 16-26 June. One of them was Bulgaria. Selection was at the EUBC on 27 January 2011 and Bulgaria was elected to host the European Men Championship.
Your special (!) friend, the strong (!)and knowledgeable (!) boxing person Ho Kim was there during the voting. If the Bulgarian Federation could not make a “Clean” and “Honest” organization, why did you accept its candidature and let it to participate to the election.
When the Bulgarian Federation (due to the popularity of Mr Marin Dimitrov, despite Mr Ho Kim) won the election you once more started democratic (!) implementations.
EUBC has made an announcement at its web site in March 7, 2011. The announcement stated that ”Following to the fact that Bulgarian Boxing Federation, who has won the hosting right of European Men Championships 2011 last January, is on the list of 13 AIBA Members federations countries under investigation by AIBA Disciplinary Commission and risks suspension of its membership, thus can be prohibited to organize any continental competition, the EUBC Executive Committee Bureau has been called by President Furgoni to make mail vote in regards of the possibility to allocate the organization of European men Championships to Turkey, finished second at the bidding process”. Upon this democratic (!) behavior of yours the Bulgarian Federation made an appeal at CAS. With its decision numbered CAS 2010/A/2401 and dated June 7, 2011 CAS found that Bulgaria was justified. It decided that EUBC should pay all the fees and that 5.000.-CHF should be paid to the Bulgarian Federation. As there was only 40 days until the start of the European Championship, the place of the championship was not changed but EUBC has paid a penalty to the Bulgarian Federation.
I want to remind you another funny behaviour of you and your special(!)friend;AIBA EC has also imposed a penalty of 8 years to Mr. Marin Dimitrov. (I wonder if he had killed someone….).
Mr Dimitrov had this decision quashed at the court in Lausanne. I wonder if you got your revenge from Marin Dimitrov at the elections in Bulgaria.
Now let me remind you who Mr Marin Dimitrov was. Unlike you he was not parachuted into boxing like you and your special (!) friend Ho Kim were.
He boxed for many years. He became champion many times. He has international referee license. He was, for many years, President of the Boxing Federation of Bulgaria. During his term, Bulgaria won the gold, silver and bronze medals in the Olympic Games, World and European Championships. Most importantly, he did not receive anything from boxing, he always gave. He is always sponsoring. And you accuse this person.
Everyone knows your conflict with Mr Rudel Obreja, the President of the Romanian Boxing Federation.
Even if you have forgotten how they supported you and had you elected at the 2006 AIBA Convention together with the General Secretary Caner Doğaneli with as skill just like “producing a rabbit from hat” the World Boxing Members have not forgotten it.
That was just what became to you (!).
Firstly, you have cast aside Caner Doğaneli. When you had won your appeal at CAS, you had the position of General Secretary cancelled at the Extraordinary Congress. Then Mr Rudel Obreja’s turn came. In the Pekin Olympic Games he accused you and your special (!) friend Ho Kim with “Manipulation”. You expelled him immediately with the decisions of the AIBA Disciplinary Committee and AIBA EC.
As far as I know, ”Honest” and “Clean” persons appeal to courts , file claims for compensation . Why haven’t you done it? Is your perception of “Honesty” and “Cleanness” different?
Did you write to the Minister of Sports of Romania? Didn’t you request Mr Rudel Obreja to be expelled? Did the Minister say to you “This is our internal affair, you cannot interfere with it. “?
As a consequence, weren’t you a party in the election for the Presidency of the Boxing Federation of Romania? And again when Mr Rudel Obreja was elected, didn’t you say “We do not accept this election, carry out a new election”? And when the Minister of Sports of Romania refused this request, didn’t you show the democratic (!) approach which suits you by saying in your letter dated September 7, 2011”AIBA excludes the Romanian Boxing Federation as a member of AIBA”?
Mr Wu and his special (!) friend Ho Kim,
Unlike you, Gen.Taweep,Mr Marin Dimitrov,Mr Rudel Obreja have not been parachuted to boxing (maybe they have less chance because of that ). They are all sportsmen, champions (Mr Rudel Obreja; Champion of Europe and World); they had occupations as President of Federation, have been EC Members and Vice-Presidents of Continental Federations and AIBA. They have not made AIBA pay costs close to 1.000.000.- USD which has been indicated in the claims asserted about your special (!) friend Ho Kim (There shall always be question marks in minds as long as Ho Kim does not reject the claims which have been made ). On the contrary they provided sponsorships.
Now I ask you, who is “Honest” and “Clean”?
You, or Mr Taweep,Mr Dimitrov and Mr Obreja ?
I am waiting your answer. If you dare giving an answer!…
Guray Soysal